Thursday, January 2, 2020

Exercise 1 - Warmup

We were asked to try some unusual drawing actvities such as:
  • squeezing and dripping washing up liquid in the sink
  • dragging a stick in the sand
  • pulling a bike through a puddle
  • using a torch or sparkler at night to draw patterns in the air
We were also asked to get someone to photograph/film us doing the activity. This wasn't possible for me, so I took some photos myself of the temporary images I created.
Washing up liquid in the sink ...

These are washing up liquid plus I added some cascara (coffee flower) syrup. Sadly the yellow liquid didn't show up very well (at all) on the mustard yellow sink (!) - on the photos one can see some variation and bleeding, but  really not very satisfying and not enough light to even get the reflections of the w.u. liquid.
I didn't have access to any of the above suggestions, so I pulled out some thin ribbon and tried making lines and patterns with it on a pad of pastel paper for variation in background. I tried different lighting to give different shadows but these didn't show up on the photos. I had a bit of fun with this and felt that the second 'pattern'  fitness a female human torso.

Next, in lieu of sand, I tried coconut flour. Firstly I just patted my fingers in the flour on a red background:
Next I shook the paper to try and flatten and even out the flour and I got a lovely texture that was reminiscent of sand on the beach after the tide's gone out:

Following this, I made tracks in the flour with a drinking straw and with my fingers
I was a bit disappointed with this as it wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped. Maybe it would've been better if I'd used it in a flat tray with more flour?
I went outside for some fresh air and a think. I noticed that my lawn needed cutting, and that there was a very large dandelion on it with nice stems:

So I had a go at plaiting the stems:

Then I noticed the lawn shears so I had a play around with those, I wanted to cut a pattern in the lawn, but it's too long and they were too crude, so I used a windfall apple an the shears'u long blades and handles to create line and form:

Not really sure if this is fulfilling the brief, but anyway
[caption id="attachment_252" align="aligncenter" width="300"] I guess this is kind of line and form[/caption]

the apple helps

enough of the shears.

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